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Graduate Certified Executive Coach (CEC)
Certified Health Coach Professional (CHC)
Founder-Sheena's Place (Eating Disorders)
Autism/Special Needs Advocate
Mental Health Champion
Global Expatriate
Devoted Mom

At Celebrate You, Jane partners with clients globally to flourish abroad and at home, designing their future with confidence, clarity and focus.  Drawing on more than 30 years in the human potential field, and 25 years as an expatriate with vast experience in many industry sectors, Jane’s executive coaching supports internationally based organizations, employees, families, university students and individuals with the practical, emotional and transformational aspects of career changes, life transitions and global relocations.  She guides and inspires clients to lead fulfilling life chapters wherever the next opportunity takes them in the world. 

Partnering with Jane taps you into her soul-centered presence and heartfelt passion for people committed to deep personal growth through sharpened self-awareness and active learning. Such produces high-performance outcomes using self-mastery principles for solution-focused results.

As a Certified Executive and Health Coach specializing in Career, Health & Wellness, Life Transitions, and Relocations, Jane's unique experience negotiating logistical, employment, cultural, practical, and linguistic barriers in ten countries where she has lived between North America, Europe, the Middle East and Australasia - while moving 17 homes in 20 years more than 100,000 kms is quite extraordinary.  To relocate her executive-level family with the America's Cup sailing and the super yacht industry for career and academic opportunities, she navigated five languages to raise two Third Culture Kids - one son born in Provence, France, and the other Auckland, New Zealand. 

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For more about Sheena's Place click here


Raising a special needs son with severe autism and multiple medical conditions alone since 2008 has been challenging - curating new schools, doctors, therapists, dentists, friends, homes and support workers - as she and her family zig-zagged around the world.  It's required Jane to be fiercely resilient, resourceful, tenacious, and faithful in the brightest outcome.  Her global odyssey has equipped Jane with a dynamic range of competencies and expertise that draw on her years in the non-profit, media-communications, investment-finance, and healthcare.

Jane’s background at the executive level enhances her ability to coach complex issues in high-pressure environments with calm fortitude, adaptability, discretion, empathy, grit and unbridled optimism.  She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in San Francisco, California, and a Graduate Certificate in Executive Coaching designation (an Accredited Coach Training Program through the International Coaching Federation) at Royal Roads University in British Columbia, Canada – the only executive coaching program offered at the Masters level in North America.

In 1997 in a galaxy far, far away Jane had a unique experience living and working with iconic Hollywood filmmaker George Lucas, who was directing Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace in London and Tunisia. Jane engaged daily with the legendary entrepreneur and creative Jedi who based his movies on the Hero's Journey framework of trusting your heart and intuition, feeling a sensation that you are being guided toward a particular destination and called for an adventure.  In their quest for self-discovery and self-mastery, Jane often engages this framework in coaching clients, exploring the stages of the Hero's Journey with people to make profound personal and professional choices as the hero / heroine of their life.


On the film set with R2D2 (Tunisia)

Co-founder and Honorary Director of Canada’s first Eating Disorder centre of its kind established in 1993, a non-profit in Toronto that has helped more than 30,000 clients in 25 years since the doors of Sheena's Place opened in 1996, aligns with Jane’s keen interest in Human Development, Positive Psychology, Neuroleadership, Spirituality, Advocacy, Self-Mastery and Mental Health. Having battled a severe eating disorder and clinical depression in her youth, Jane continues to use her lived experience in meaningful ways to serve others.

Wellbeing, lifelong learning, and movement in nature are central to Jane's life. Her daily commitment to meditation and movement includes skiing, snowshoeing, kayaking, horseback riding, hiking, cycling and yoga - essential for strength and vitality so she's always ready for her next adventure somewhere in the world.

Jane’s mission is to inspire people to shine their light to create a meaningful life and legacy.

Go where
you feel most

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