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Life Transition Coaching

Are you feeling the discomfort of being in a place in life that just doesn't fit you any more? Like a suit you've outgrown, so to speak?  Maybe it's an identity you either don't feel to have chosen, or actually like now that you're embodying it. 


Does your job no longer bring fulfillment to your life? (Did it ever?!)  Are you in a relationship in which you feel alone or lost even when you're spending time with your partner?  Nearing the Empty Nest chapter and wondering what you'll do with that huge vacuum in your life that has otherwise been consumed with duties as a parent/caregiver for decades?!  Maybe you've left the "nest" (home) and are utterly overwhelmed with college or university.  Or, at the other end of the spectrum, perhaps you're facing retirement, feeling like you "should" be excited to retire, but haven't a clue what you will do once you have loads of free time ... and no longer have the identity and purpose you've had for decades.


Life Transitions are tricky and often bewildering, if not scary and lonely to navigate.  We are often well underway in a transition before we realize that we're crossing No-Man's-Land of unforeseen mines - emotional, financial, mental, logistical, physical and/or spiritual - and we're facing it all alone.  Without a map or a guide.


Coaching gives you that guide and the map.  It provides you the safe space in which to explore the feelings that are coming up: often feelings of being alone, insecure, overwhelmed, confused, vulnerable, pressured to "know" your next steps, and yet anxious about exploring a foreign experience.  With me as your guide through the wilderness of your life, co-creating a blueprint toward your brightest future - all connected with your deeply-held dreams and unforeseen curiosities - tracking your way into territory that feels good, makes you light up on the inside, brings fulfillment, peace and contentment, we'll bridge you safely from where you are to where you want to be.

Maybe you want more purpose and meaning in your life.  To make a difference to something aligned with your values and passions.  Maybe you want to feel "alive" for the first time in years, but you don't know how to make it happen. 


  • Explore your new reality using tools for self-discovery and self-mastery to determine what lights you up, brings meaning to your life, and let go of what doesn't

  • Equip you to be the architect of your future, co-designing a bright vision that is possible and attainable, with time-bound goals that you achieve with week to week support and encouragement

  • Discuss, plot a strategic path, and test ideas by moving forward on multiple paths to decide what works and what doesn’t

  • As an iterative process, I partner with you all the way through across the finish line

  • Celebrate the bright future you once dreamed of, that now you're living!


  • Personal one-on-one coaching

  • We schedule a time that suits you

  • Connect for 30 - 60-minute sessions (via phone or using video platforms such as Zoom, Skype, etc.)

Contact me to learn more about customizing a coaching program to suit your needs and get started with a free 20 minute consultation.

Change is an event. Transition is the process that you

go through in response to the change.

 ~ William Bridges ~

Author of Managing Transitions


Transition Coaching is for anyone who is experiencing an Ending and navigating a New Beginning ....

  • Leaders in organizations who are changing roles/jobs- between departments, teams, companies or sectors

  • Expats moving abroad or repatriating home

  • University students leaving academia and entering "the real world"

  • Relationship changes (getting into one ... or out of one)

  • Retirees navigating a new life chapter and leaving their careers

  • Professionals transitioning between roles & responsibilities

  • Singles to married/committed relationships

  • Married to separated/divorced

  • Without children to becoming parents

  • Losing a loved one or something you love

  • Creating and embracing a new identity after something has profoundly shaped and defined your life (career, relationship, addiction, health issues, socio-economic status, etc.)

  • The list goes on .... we experience transitions constantly across our lifespan development - often without even being conscious of it.

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