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Sheena's Place Eating Disorder Centre

 Celebrate You ​© 2014 - 2021

We hope this video inspires people globally to shine their light in the world - through their unique talents, gifts and heart.  

Jane's Lived Experience with an Eating Disorder


Video producer Jane Fenton  struggled with an eating disorder and body image issues for more than two decades, during her teens and early adult years.  Many years on, today she lives a healthy, purposeful and fulfilling life. Founder of Celebrate You - Career & Life Transition Coaching for Global Citizens and Everyday Heroes, Jane brings her executive coaching expertise, corporate background and 25 years as a global expat living in ten countries on both sides of the equator to partner with clients worldwide who aspire to flourish wherever their hearts take them, creating meaningful lives and legacies.


As Co-Founder of Canada's first eating disorder centre of its kind, Sheena's Place  (, Jane initially connected with nearly 1,000 people over 15 months who reached her from across Canada, the United States, and as far away as Africa, desperate for support and hope with an eating disorder, or for someone they loved who was struggling. Speaking to large audiences publicly, on radio and television, Jane used her voice and lived experience to address the stigma, shame, and lack of understanding of mental illness and eating disorders. 



Lynn & Sheena Carpenter

Sheena's Place was established in November 1993 to fill the gaps and meet the growing need for services, and to honour the spirit of Sheena Carpenter, Jane's friend, who died at 22 years of age in 1993 from complications as a result of anorexia nervosa.  Together with fellow co-founders Trudy Eagan and Lynn Carpenter (Sheena's mom), plus outstanding support and contributions over the years on all levels from committed staff, a board of directors, donors, volunteers and experienced therapists the centre has become a model of hope and help internationally for similar centres.

In the heart of Toronto, Sheena's Place offers more than 60 FREE groups annually in the areas of Body Image, Skill Building, Support, Expressive Arts, Nutrition, and Recreational Programs.  Since its opening in 1996 the centre has been a vital lifeline for more than 30,000 people.  As a measure of its impact, in 2017 six staff and 24 group facilitators provided free services and support to 440 new clients and 1,200+ total clients alone.  To remain responsive first and foremost to the needs of its clients the centre receives no government funding. 


Why the Video?

Through this video Jane answers the countless people who, over the years and around the world, have asked her how she overcame anorexia, bulimia and clinical depression in her youth.  "Shine Your Light" evokes the foundational principles for living Jane gleaned from her healing journey to wholeness and global odyssey of decades - one of adventure, higher education, career, and raising a family in many countries (including a son with severe autism and complex special needs) while navigating new cultures and languages. Turning stumbling blocks into building blocks with optimism, faith, perseverance, intuition and heart, Jane is living testimony that your life is the result of the story you believe about yourself.

In spite of the fact that eating disorders has the highest death rate of all mental illnesses there is life beyond an eating disorder and clinical depression.  

Having a bright vision for my Self, setting measurable goals, and taking action - one step at a time, one day at a time - with self-compassion, patience and trust is what the journey out of darkness has been for me. Having the courage and vulnerability to admit that I needed help and reaching out for counselling and coaching among other supports was a great strength.  Not a weakness. Today, I am whole-heartedly committed to using my life in service of others, encouraging people to follow their most audacious dreams and inspiration, and to shine their light in the world. ~ Jane Fenton


Opening of Sheena's Place


Trudy, Lynn and Jane (1996)

Special thanks to my dear friend, gifted photographer and intrepid international writer/author from Toulouse, France, Margaux Vallet for her signature contribution and creativity in co-creating "Shine Your Light." During her global odyssey, 2014-2019, Margaux tracked  250,000+kms on five continents to chronicle her travels as Project 52. She embodies the adage, "Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer." Explore Margaux's captivating travels and photography at .

How Can You Help?

We invite you to join us at Celebrate You and Sheena's Place to shatter the stigma of mental illness and eating disorders, and to save lives by making a donation.  A percentage of all Celebrate You coaching revenue will be donated to Sheena's Place and other partner charities.  For more go to Social Impact.


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