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The Big Picture of Your Life

An exercise to unleash your creativity and imagine your brightest future.

You are going to envision where you could be in one ... five ... ten years from now. Nothing’s etched in stone. This is not a test ... just an invitation to explore your future Self. Grab a pen. Don’t edit. Just free your mind and heart, putting pen to paper to give light to your wildest dreams. Print out the attachment below and use the back of the page or a journal. Perhaps create a Vision Board of photos, quotes, and magazine pages to bring your future life to colour, making it feel “real” and in focus. Imagine that you have limitless funds, talent and skills. And no sense of fear or not being/having “enough.” Now is not the time to figure out the how ... just the what. EVERYTHING is possible. DREAM BIG!

  1. Two years from now I am _________ years old.

  2. What makes me jump out of bed each day?

  3. How is my health?  What am I committed to in sustaining my best level of health?

  4. Ideally, how much money am I earning?  How do I enjoy it?

  5. What makes me happy?

  6. How am I growing?  What would I like to learn?

  7. When I think of having fun, what am I doing? With whom?  Where in the world am I?

  8. What have I given up on in my life … until now?!

  9. Who do I aspire to be?  What about that feels appealing, exciting, important to me ... and aligned with my values?

  10. What makes me feel truly ALIVE?


Visioning is a life skill that can be cultivated.  Where your focus goes, your energy flows.  As you make choices that bring more joy and ease to your life and ignite passion, wellbeing improves.  Your life is the story you believe about your Self.  And when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.  So … what is the BIG PICTURE for the next year or two of your life? And beyond?  There’s no better time than NOW to go for it!


Further reading:  Fast Company – Strategies for Big-Picture Thinking

Big Picture
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